Female Infertility

Female Infertility

Infertility is more of social stigma than a disease Infertility is failure to conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse. About 80% conceive within first one year and another 10-15% in 2nd year normally.
  • Uterus is the place where embryo implants. Anything which alters the favourable environment should be diagnosed and treated. Any pathology inside uterninecavity is diagnosed by Hysteroscopy like complete & partial septum, congenital anomalis, Fibroids, Adenomyosis, polyps which interfere with pregnancy.
  • Normal Cervical Mucus Is very essential for the sperms to be actively motile in the female genital tract for 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Any factor which alters this remains as the cause. This is confirmed by PCT (Post Coital Test).
  • Tubal status & Tuboovarian relationship: Tube is one of the vital structure for Natural fertility. Inspite of both tubes patient may not conceive Tuboovarian relationship is very important one. HSG doesn’t give information about tuboovarian relationship or tubal motility etc. So Hysterolaparoscopy is recommended for the patients with long period of infertility.
  • Ovary: Ovulation occurs when a mature egg or ovum is released form as ovarian follicle at the surface of the Ovary. Fimbriae Of the fallopian tube ( Finger like projections if tuba) end at spreads over the ovarian surface and guides the ovum into the tube. So, if tubo ovarian relationship is altered, patient becomes infertile.
  • Immunological infertility (Anti sperm Antibodies). Any abnormality in the uterus, cervix both tubes & ovaries lead to infertility should be diagnosed and treated early.
This 15 bed hospital caters to all facilities including state of the art operation theatre, I.C.U. care with central oxygen supply, pharmacy, E.C.G., Lab, Ultrasound Scan, Echo & Colour Doppler Services.
New No.39, Gandhi Road, West Tambaram, Chennai - 600045.

This 15 bed hospital caters to all facilities including state of the art operation theatre, I.C.U. care with central oxygen supply, pharmacy, E.C.G., Lab, Ultrasound Scan, Echo & Colour Doppler Services.

New No.39, Gandhi Road, West Tambaram, Chennai - 600 045..
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© 2024. NN Fertility Care. All rights reserved. A Site by Infinarts.